=== Hotel Booking & Divi Integration === Contributors: MotoPress Donate link: https://motopress.com/ Tags: divi, divi builder, hotel booking, booking, reservation, hotel, property rental Requires at least: 4.6 Tested up to: 6.4 Stable tag: 1.1.0 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Integrates Divi theme with the MotoPress Hotel Booking plugin to modify content and styles visually via Divi builder. == Description == Are you building your WordPress hotel booking website with the renowned Divi theme? Do you plan on implementing a scalable property management & booking system with the expert MotoPress [WordPress Hotel Booking plugin](https://motopress.com/products/hotel-booking/?utm_source=divi-hb-integration&utm_medium=pro-link-in-description)? Then install this super lightweight utility to benefit from this duo! It removes customization limitations that appear when using Hotel Booking with Divi. This joint plugin is designed to help you tweak the styling and content generated with the Hotel Booking plugin via a familiar and user-friendly Divi Builder interface. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tyiw91WJX5o] ### Divi Builder Modules Just add and alter standard MotoPress Hotel Booking widgets like properties listing or the search availability form via Divi Builder modules. Configure all settings by ticking the buttons, without manual tinkering with shortcodes. * Availability Calendar module; * Booking Confirmation module; * Booking Form module; * Booking Checkout module; * Accommodation Rates module; * Accommodation Listing module; * Search Availability module; * Search Results module; * Accommodation Services module; * Single Accommodation module; * Accommodation Type Title module; * Accommodation Type Featured module; * Accommodation Type Gallery module; * Accommodation Type Price module; * Accommodation Type Content module; * Accommodation Type Attributes module; * Accommodation Type Attribute module; ### Customization, Styles, Colors etc. No need for custom CSS code - you'll go deeper in layouts customization, button styles and colors, spacing, booking forms format, font size and more with the standard Divi toolkit and WordPress Customizer. The Hotel Booking & Divi Integration plugin adds twelve major Hotel Booking modules to the Divi Builder, while the system page shortcodes are left up to the theme styling. Here is a detailed guide how to implement a [reservation and property management system into the Divi](https://motopress.com/blog/divi-theme-hotel-booking-wordpress/?utm_source=wp-org-divi-addon-page&utm_medium=text-link) theme. = Requirements = * Divi theme. * [MotoPress Hotel Booking Lite](https://wordpress.org/plugins/motopress-hotel-booking-lite/) or MotoPress Hotel Booking Pro ([Comparison Table](https://motopress.com/motopress-wordpress-hotel-booking-pro-vs-lite/?utm_source=divi-hb-integration&utm_medium=link-in-description)). = Looking for fully functional hotel themes? = Check out our [Hotel Booking & Property Rental WordPress Themes](https://motopress.com/products/category/hotel-rental-wordpress-themes/?utm_source=wp-org&utm_medium=hotel-themes&utm_campaign=hotel-booking-divi-integration&utm_content=wordpress-hotel-themes) where the booking plugin is included for free. = Appointments & hourly bookings = Offer event and appointment reservations on your rental property site with our [WordPress Appointment Booking ](https://motopress.com/products/appointment-booking/?utm_source=wp_org_hb_divi_page&utm_medium=text_link&utm_campaign=appointment_plugin) plugin. == Installation == 1. Upload plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. 2. Activate plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. == Screenshots == 1. search availability form 2. accommodations == Copyright == Hotel Booking & Divi Integration plugin, Copyright (C) 2019, MotoPress https://motopress.com/ Hotel Booking & Divi Integration plugin is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL. == Changelog == = 1.1.0, Jan 8 2024 = * Added Accommodation Type Title module. * Added Accommodation Type Featured Image module. * Added Accommodation Type Gallery module. * Added Accommodation Type Price module. * Added Accommodation Type Content module. * Added Accommodation Type Attributes module. * Added Accommodation Type Attribute module. = 1.0.8, Nov 3 2023 = * Improved compatibility with Divi Builder. = 1.0.7, Oct 7 2022 = * Added support for displaying prices in the availability calendars. = 1.0.6, Nov 23 2021 = * Security - sanitization and escaping. = 1.0.5, Aug 25 2021 = * Improved compatibility with Divi theme (4.10.4). = 1.0.4, Jul 7 2021 = * Added Availability Calendar, Booking Confirmation, Checkout Form and Availability Search Results Divi modules. = 1.0.3, Feb 10 2020 = * Improved compatibility with Divi theme. * Minor bugfixes and improvements. = 1.0.2, May 23 2019 = * Minor bugfixes and improvements. = 1.0.1, Jan 24 2019 = * Minor bugfixes and improvements. * "HB" abbreviation added to the titles of the Hotel Booking plugin widgets for grouping the plugin-related widgets together. = 1.0.0, Oct 31 2018 = * Initial release